Friday, June 12, 2009

I've drifted away

So I was going through my phone today, trying to plan out what I am doing for the weekend, and it dawned on me that I have more guy friends than I do girl friends... It didn't used to be like that. Now I know I've lost several ladies throughout the years and esp this year because of not being with JJ anymore and I miss them. Now they've made their choice and whatever I can't change that, but I also need to get closer to girls again.. I mean I love my guys and all but besidese my like 4 main girls that I go out with randomly I don't have any that I see constantly.. I want to get closer to my girls and reconnect... I've gotten alot closer to my friends from high school again because they have stuck around still throughout the years (thank you ladies) and I love that and I hope we can get closer again...

And note to anyone out there that wants to hang out more Please just let me know :) (guys or girls on this part)

I just miss my friends and I'm sorry we've lost touch and aren't as close anymore...


  1. I think we all go thru this. I feel like I have drifted a way from a lot of my highschool girl friends but mostly it is because we live completely different lives now.
    But I do know how you feel. :]
    And I'll hang out with you. :]]

    Also, change your template so those green and yellow dots go away. Unless you like those. :]

  2. Hey! I just found your blog :) How fun! It seems like it has been forever. It was good to read and catch up on your life. Your son is so handsome! What a cute kid! That is awesome about you and Jason! Marissa Theler
